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PRP Facial Rejuvenation

PRP Facial Rejuvenation

Get a youthful glow using the power of your own body with our Platelet-Rich Plasma Facial.

If you want to minimize your fine lines and wrinkles without surgery, then PRP facial treatment may be for you! The Platelet-Rich Plasma Facial uses human growth factors extracted from your blood (hence the name “Vampire Facial,” made popular by Kim Kardashian) to enhance collagen production, and stimulate your body’s natural repair and rejuvenation processes. 

The PRP facial is an anti-aging procedure that uses your own blood to help promote the healthy activity of your skin cells. We combine PRP with microneedling to enhance the results with your own platelet-rich plasma – derived from the serum portion of the blood. These platelets contain growth factors which help to stimulate rapid cell replenishment and rejuvenation of healthy cells.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Facial Rejuvenation helps:
— Stimulate collagen growth.

— Tighten lax skin.

— Improve skin tone.

— Smooth out fine lines and wrinkles.
Benefits of Platelet-Rich Plasma:
— PRP is rich in growth factors.

— Helps your skin function optimally, increase collagen, and increase elastin.

— PRP acts as antioxidants and has hydrating properties that act as a powerful anti-aging method.

    PRP, by definition refers to platelets in plasma, where the platelet concentration is generally considered to be twice the normal concentration in whole blood. Nowhere in the definition of PRP is there a description for including red blood cells (RBC) or white blood cells (WBC) – in fact, these cells should be removed as much as possible from a PRP preparation. Some kits that tout high platelet concentrations often do so at the expense of having contaminating RBCs or WBCs – these cells are known to have inflammatory and catabolic effects – just the opposite of the desired effect. If the PRP in the syringe has any tinge of pink or red, it is mostly likely that you are injecting a preparation that has RBC contamination. The ideal PRP solution will be a golden, straw-like color.


    As part of the body’s capacity to heal itself, platelets and other components in human blood migrate to a site of injury. Platelets are known to release a variety of factors that respond to tissue injury, where they initiate and promote healing. By concentrating platelets at the site of injury, physicians have the potential to enhance the body’s natural capacity for healing.

    The Selphyl® System provides the exact amount of Calcium Chloride to PRP producing Platelet-rich Fibrin Matrix. Other systems produce PRP, not PRFM. Fibrin matrix creates a scaffold to localize platelets to the site of injection and allows for sustained growth factor release, migration of stem cells and reservoir for regenerative signaling.


    1. During a short office visit (30 minutes), a small amount of a patient’s own blood is drawn into a vacuum collection tube containing a cell separator gel. 

    2. The tube is then placed into a centrifuge and spun for six minutes to separate the blood into a supernatant plasma/platelet suspension.

     3. The red and white blood cells are located below the cell separator gel.

    4. The platelets and plasma are then transferred in a closed system to a second vacuum tube containing a small amount of calcium chloride solution. 

    5. Fibrin polymerization begins and the PRP remains liquid for approximately 10 minutes before forming PRFM. 

    6. The patient’s own PRFM is ready for use as deemed appropriate our the clinical use requirements.


    There is virtually no risk of allergic reaction. The Selphyl® System is used to rapidly collect and isolate a patient’s own PRP for injection and contains no animal or synthetic products.

    There have been no known side effects associated with Selphyl® reported to date. As with any injectable procedure, some patients may experience some mild and temporary irritation, swelling, bruising, itching, discoloration or tenderness at the injection site.

    The Selphyl® System was cleared for marketing under premarket notification (510(k)) submission numbers BK120009 and BK120008. Factor Medical, LLC in conjunction with Cascade Medical Enterprises, LLC markets the FIBRINET® Autologous Fibrin & Platelet System in the U.S. under the trade name Selphyl® PRFM. The CE mark certification has been granted in Europe.

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